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Do you ever feel like there is just too much to do?

Well you are not alone. Some weeks my to do list is so overwhelming I mentally shutdown and go into avoidance mode. Here are some things I do to help motivate me to be productive when I'm in a slump.

1. Allow myself time to rest or be lazy. I put a time limit on it but I always give myself time to just do nothing.

2. Once my slump party is over, I make a list and prioritize tasks that need to be done first.

3. I break these task into shorter sessions

4. I incorporate music or an autobook that puts me on the mood to be productive.

5. I set realistic timelines on when I can complete tasks. This helps to ensure that I don't go back into a slump if I don't complete a task.

6. I give myself grace. I am only one human and sometimes things don't workout but what is most important is that I tried and the work I was able to complete.


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